Vol 3, No 4 (2016)


Table of Contents

Front Matter

Front Matter
J. Econ. Soc. Thoug. i-iv


University Institutional Research and Student Recruitment Performance: Utilizing Marketing Communication for Knowledge Heterogeneity
Reuy-Wei GONG, Fu-Sheng TSAI 469-475
Sociological Inequality and the Second Law
Oded KAFRI 476-480
The Law of Growth
Ron W. NIELSEN 481-489
Integrating the Concepts of Global Freedom: Economics versus Society
Dawood MAMOON 490-496
The Effect of Political Crisis Between Countries on International Trade and International Logistics: A Qualitative Study on Turkey-Russia Relations
Celil DURDAĞ, Şafak Ümit DENİZ, Çağla ÖZSOY, Sevda SARGIN 497-508
Waqf for Poverty Alleviation: Challenges and Opportunities
Khalifa M. HASSANAIN 509-520
Analyzing Tax Policy and Economic Growth by Using Semi-Parametric Approach
Mariuam SHAFI, Zahid ASGHAR, Saqlain RAZA 521-533

Conference Notes

Conference on Islamic Accounting and Finance
Hasan AYAYDIN 534-536

Creative Commons License
This article licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license