Vol 5, No 3 (2018)


Table of Contents

Front Matter

Front Matter
J. Econ. Bib. i-iv


Growth rate of population associated with high terrorism incidents in society
Mario COCCIA 142-158
Do financial inclusion drive boom-bust cycles in Africa?
Olatunji A SHOBANDE, Ibrahim R LANRE 159-174
The role of military expenditures on economic growth in Italy
Federico VITALI 175-180
Future of driving a driverless car for the gaming industry
Dawood MAMOON 181-182
Is 2018 the year of the restoration of the Greek economy?
Dimitrios Nikolaou KOUMPAROULIS 183-185
In investigation on the implementation of Blue Ocean strategy in participation bank located in Turkey
Gamze ALBAYRAK, Mustafa BEYBUR 186-192
Technical efficiency: A study of smallholder rice farmers in Kilombero district, Tanzania
Esther Leah ACHANDI, Asmerom KIDANE, Aloyce HEPELWA 193-208

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