Vol 7, No 2 (2020)


Table of Contents

Front Matter

Front Matter
Turk. Econ. Rev. i-iv


Taxation and strategic reaction: a comparison of Cournot, Stackelberg and collusion
Tamara Peneva TODOROVA, Besar VATOCI 73-90
The relationship between the GDP, FDI, and non-oil exports in the Saudi economy - 1970-2019: Evidence from (VECM) and (ARDL) assessment - according to Vision 2030
Hassan Tawakol A. FADOL 91-102
Impact of COVID 19 on international trade and China’s trade
Khalilullah HASSANI, Shahwali DOST 103-110
Volatility stylized facts in the Moroccan stock market: Evidence from both aggregate and disaggregate data
Moulay Driss ELBOUSTY, Lahsen OUBDI 111-138

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