Vol 4, No 3 (2017)


Table of Contents

Front Matter

Front Matter
J. Econ. Soc. Thoug. i-iv


Technological change as intelligent, energy-maximizing adaptation
Krzysztof WASNIEWSKI 263-276
Contribution of individual social preferences on the propensity to cooperate: Lessons from an experimental study
Aboudou OUATTARA 277-293
Federalism and the Arab League: A theoretical synergy
Sheriff Ghali IBRAHIM, M. Ahmed M. KABIR, Farouk Ibrahim BIBI F. 294-300
A report of Mongolia’s renewal capital
Kuo-Ming CHU, Margad-Erdene SANDUI 301-305
Impact of cultural factors on enterprise resource planning
Cemalettin HATİPOĞLU 306-311
Differential approach and capabilities: An analysis for the population displaced in Colombia
Dorian Fernando LEON 312-321
Missing the Peace Train in 2006: Economic and political dynamics of India Pakistan hostility?
Dawood MAMOON 322-328
On demand-side sources of service innovation ideas
Ya-Feng CHANG, Chun-Ching YEH 329-334
Almost equi-marginal principle based composite index of globalization: China, India and Pakistan
Sudhanshu K. MISHRA 335-351

Conference Notes

3rd International conference on social sciences & education research
Handan ÇAM 352-353

Creative Commons License
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