Social regulation and orientation of access trajectories to social networks amongst Cameroonian adolescents

Sabine Célestine ETA-FOUDA BIDZOA, Maïmounah MOUSSA


Abstract. The objective of this research is to establish a connection between social regulation mechanisms and the trajectory of access to social networks among Cameroonian adolescents. The study explores the various normative indications that influence social media users. It is evident that the normative and regulatory framework for accessing social networks and the internet, in general, is not sufficiently coercive and dissuasive to encourage appropriate behavior among young people in cyberspace. Strengthening adolescent security should involve stricter behavioral control, both autonomously and in negotiation with public authorities.

Keywords. Social regulation; Social networks; Cameroonian adolescents.

JEL. A10; E59; N16.


Social regulation; Social networks; Cameroonian adolescents.

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