The Greek letters: Scenario analysis with a reverse butterfly spread

Muhammad Mustafa RASHID


Abstract. The management of risk is the goal of a financial institution that sells an option to a client in the over-the-counter markets. In addition to monitoring risks such as Delta(), Gamma () and Vega(v), option traders often also carry out, a scenario analysis. The analysis involves calculating the gain or loss on their portfolio over a specified period under a variety of different scenarios. The time period chosen is likely to depend on the liquidity of the instrument. The scenarios can either be chose by management or generated by a model.

Keywords. Financial institutions, Scenario analysis, Risk management, Portfolio management, Reverse butterfly spread.

JEL. G2, G10, G11, G13, G17, H2.


Financial institutions; Scenario analysis; Risk management; Portfolio management; Reverse butterfly spread.

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Journal of Economics Bibliography - J. Econ. Bib.  - JEB -

ISSN: 2149-2387.

Editor:  Secretarial:  Istanbul - Turkey.

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