Credit Allocation Based on Journal Impact Factor and Co-authorship Contribution
Abstract. Some research institutions demand researchers to distribute the incomes they earn from publishing papers to their researchers and/or co-authors. In this study, we deal with the Impact Factor-based ranking journal as a criteria for the correct distribution of these incomes. We also include the Authorship Credit factor for distribution of the incomes among authors, using the geometric progression of Cantor’s theory and the Harmonic Credit Index. Depending on the ranking of the journal, the proposed model develops a proper publication credit allocation among all authors. Moreover, our tool can be deployed in the evaluation of an institution for a funding program, as well as calculating the amounts necessary to incentivize research among personnel.
Keywords. Co-author credit; Impact factor; Ranking; Cantor’s succession; Harmonic credit.
JEL. A12, C02, C10.
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