Corruptive intention and anti-citizenship behavior: A study of the impact of workplace dissatisfaction among personnel in the Cameroonian public health care sector



Abstract. This study focuses on the sociocognitive processes that generally affect actors in the public administration and undermine their values, ethics, and the sense of providing a free and equitable public service, as recognized in administrative bureaucracies. We started with the following research question: What are the direct underlying determinants of corruptible behavior among public health personnel? Through a dual analysis of correlation and mediation using structural equation modeling, a confirmatory figure was presented, demonstrating the mediating effect (Hayes, 2018) of workplace distress on Corruptive Behavioral Intention (CBI) on one hand, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on the other.

Keywords. Corruptive intention; Anti-citizenship behavior;  Workplace distress; Public health personnel.

JEL. F13; F14; Q54.


Corruptive intention; Anti-citizenship behavior; Workplace distress; Public health personnel.

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