Multidimensions of digital inequality of the TANF population

Yolandra Antoinette PLUMMER


Abstract. This study applies the multidimensional digital inequality framework to analyze the complex ways in which digital access varies among low-income populations. This research specifically examines the results of digital skills training for individuals receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits and how it shapes their Internet use as well as returns of use. The research shows the importance of the multidimensional nature of digital inequality, focusing on how access and use of digital technologies varies among individuals with formal digital literacy skills training. Findings from the research offer insight into the need for additional technological investments and multistakeholder engagement.

Keywords. Digital inequality; Digital literacy skills; Digital technology; NorthStar assessment; TANF.

JEL. I23; I24; I38; J15.


Digital inequality; Digital literacy skills; Digital technology; NorthStar assessment; TANF.

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