Religion, Economy, and State: Economic Thought of al-Mawardi in Adab al-Dunya wa-al-Din



Abstract. The relation between religion, economy and the country became a major topic in the development of public welfare systems. Humans are political creatures that have the potential to realise the level of moral conscience to meet the needs of a better life, but humans as spiritual beings must have a balance between religious morality and economic morality. With economic ethics are supported by religious morality, the welfare system can be realised systemically if the state, communities and individuals can realise the six-dimensional form: religious observance, good governance, justice, national security, the prosperity of society and the nation's vision.

Keywords. Religion, Economy, State, Ethics, Welfare state.

JEL. B30, I30, N30, P50, Z12.


religion, economy, state, ethics, welfare state

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