Information Theory and Thermodynamics




Abstract. A communication theory for a transmitter broadcasting to many receivers presented.  In this case, energetic considerations cannot neglected as in Shannon theory.  It is shown that, when energy is assigned to the information bit, information theory complies with classical thermodynamic and is part of it. To provide a thermodynamic theory of communication it is necessary to define equilibrium for informatics systems that are not in thermal equilibrium and to calculate temperature, heat, and entropy with accordance to Clausius inequality.  It shown that for a binary file, the temperature is proportional to the bit energy and that information is thermodynamic entropy.  Equilibrium exists in random files that cannot compressed. Thermodynamic bounds on the computing power of a physical device, and the maximum information that an antenna can broadcast are calculated.

Keywords. Information theory, Thermodynamics, Entropy.

JEL. C62.

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